Response to Fighting Vatican Part 2
Yes in 2 Tim 3 all Scripture is good for correction and inspired, but it does not say only Scripture. It is not the foundation of truth. When you read "foundation", what do you get from that? The Church must hold the Truth together, its is starting point and if the Church goes down, just like a foundation of a house, the house goes down with it.
Regarding 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work.” We note from this text that ONLY Scripture is God-breathed (Gr. Theopneustos). Nothing else in all of Scripture is referred to as God-breathed (theopneustos). In fact, some Biblical scholars believe that this is the first instance of the word “theopneustos” in ancient Greek literature (See B.B.Warfield’s “the Inspiration of Scripture”). Now, you are correct in saying that “it does not say only Scripture.” However, I would also be correct in saying “it doesn’t saying anything else is either.” Your rebuttal there is actually an “argument from silence” but as logicians and scholars have noted that is exactly what the argument proves: silence! I could use that type of argument with any text of Scripture if I so choose. I could say, “uh, the Bible doesn’t say I can’t use and sell drugs.” In fact, there are quite a few things that the Bible doesn’t say explicitly (like you state later in your letter, the exact formula for the doctrine of the Trinity, though the substance of the doctrine is certainly contained within the Holy Writ).
While you might certainly want to add that “tradition” is also to be taken into account as profitable for doctrine, etc…we have to ask the question of why didn’t Paul say so here? Why didn’t he tell Timothy, as he was basically leaving to Timothy the answer of authority in the Church upon his own impending death? I’m going to attach a sermon that I preached at my Church on this particular text showing conclusively that Paul was basically saying to Timothy, “Timothy, when I die, do not be anxious about who you will look to for doctrinal and moral authority. You know the Scriptures and have known them since your youth. They, as the product of God Himself, are able to lead you into correct doctrine and morals. These will complete you and thoroughly equip you.”
Now, Scripture is not declared to be the “foundation” per se in this text or any other text that I’m aware of. But what is Scripture declared to be? In John 17:17 Jesus says to God, “Your word is truth.” Now, the Church was said to be the “pillar and foundation of truth”. That means that the Church upholds the word of God. Again, reverting to what Calvin commented, it is the Church that is charged with such an obligation to uphold and support the Word of God in the world. The Church is not the truth, but she supports it while in the world. The Church does not determine truth. Truth, by nature, is eternal. In creation, God spoke all things into being. By God’s word even, the Church came into being.
Hence, we actually agree that the Church must hold the truth together. We must defend the faith. We must “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The world isn’t going to stand up for God’s truth. The Muslims aren’t going to do it. Government isn’t going to stand up for God. It is the Church that is charged with the solemn responsibility of upholding the truth in the world. As long as the Church upholds the truth, as long as we are the salt and light of the earth, we honor God. But when we falter and let the truth go unannounced or allow it to be trampled upon, especially the truth of Jesus Christ, as I Timothy 3:16 continues, the “mystery of godliness”.
In a sense, you can see the passage actually charging pastors and teachers to defend the faith. Basically, giving a scriptural charge for apologetic ministry, especially to the unbelieving world. For instance, as of late there have been recent attempts to debunk Christianity including the Gospel of Judas discovery, The Da Vinci Code and even the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb (Jesus Family Tomb) which was said to contain the bones of Jesus in it. I have personally sought to refute such claims and affirm Jesus as resurrected from the grave. That is one way that I, as a member of the Church, can do my part in being the “pillar and support of truth”.
That this is the correct understanding of the text is added to by the context that follows. After declaring the truth that we confess (3:16), Paul goes on in chapter 4 to describe the doctrinal dangers that will confront the Church in the last days. “Doctrines of demons” are what the Church needs to stand against. That is our charge.
Regarding 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work.” We note from this text that ONLY Scripture is God-breathed (Gr. Theopneustos). Nothing else in all of Scripture is referred to as God-breathed (theopneustos). In fact, some Biblical scholars believe that this is the first instance of the word “theopneustos” in ancient Greek literature (See B.B.Warfield’s “the Inspiration of Scripture”). Now, you are correct in saying that “it does not say only Scripture.” However, I would also be correct in saying “it doesn’t saying anything else is either.” Your rebuttal there is actually an “argument from silence” but as logicians and scholars have noted that is exactly what the argument proves: silence! I could use that type of argument with any text of Scripture if I so choose. I could say, “uh, the Bible doesn’t say I can’t use and sell drugs.” In fact, there are quite a few things that the Bible doesn’t say explicitly (like you state later in your letter, the exact formula for the doctrine of the Trinity, though the substance of the doctrine is certainly contained within the Holy Writ).
While you might certainly want to add that “tradition” is also to be taken into account as profitable for doctrine, etc…we have to ask the question of why didn’t Paul say so here? Why didn’t he tell Timothy, as he was basically leaving to Timothy the answer of authority in the Church upon his own impending death? I’m going to attach a sermon that I preached at my Church on this particular text showing conclusively that Paul was basically saying to Timothy, “Timothy, when I die, do not be anxious about who you will look to for doctrinal and moral authority. You know the Scriptures and have known them since your youth. They, as the product of God Himself, are able to lead you into correct doctrine and morals. These will complete you and thoroughly equip you.”
Now, Scripture is not declared to be the “foundation” per se in this text or any other text that I’m aware of. But what is Scripture declared to be? In John 17:17 Jesus says to God, “Your word is truth.” Now, the Church was said to be the “pillar and foundation of truth”. That means that the Church upholds the word of God. Again, reverting to what Calvin commented, it is the Church that is charged with such an obligation to uphold and support the Word of God in the world. The Church is not the truth, but she supports it while in the world. The Church does not determine truth. Truth, by nature, is eternal. In creation, God spoke all things into being. By God’s word even, the Church came into being.
Hence, we actually agree that the Church must hold the truth together. We must defend the faith. We must “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The world isn’t going to stand up for God’s truth. The Muslims aren’t going to do it. Government isn’t going to stand up for God. It is the Church that is charged with the solemn responsibility of upholding the truth in the world. As long as the Church upholds the truth, as long as we are the salt and light of the earth, we honor God. But when we falter and let the truth go unannounced or allow it to be trampled upon, especially the truth of Jesus Christ, as I Timothy 3:16 continues, the “mystery of godliness”.
In a sense, you can see the passage actually charging pastors and teachers to defend the faith. Basically, giving a scriptural charge for apologetic ministry, especially to the unbelieving world. For instance, as of late there have been recent attempts to debunk Christianity including the Gospel of Judas discovery, The Da Vinci Code and even the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb (Jesus Family Tomb) which was said to contain the bones of Jesus in it. I have personally sought to refute such claims and affirm Jesus as resurrected from the grave. That is one way that I, as a member of the Church, can do my part in being the “pillar and support of truth”.
That this is the correct understanding of the text is added to by the context that follows. After declaring the truth that we confess (3:16), Paul goes on in chapter 4 to describe the doctrinal dangers that will confront the Church in the last days. “Doctrines of demons” are what the Church needs to stand against. That is our charge.
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