Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Calvinism vs. Arminianism

So I was searching through YouTube the other day and just happen to come across a British fellow who had two videos titled "Calvinism & Arminianism". I thought I would watch them and see if they were any good. Well, I was in for a surprise when I heard him say that the differences between the two theologies was so insignificant that it was not worth fighting's his videos and my responses to each part.

My reply to Part 1

His video Part 2:

My reply to Part 2

From what I understand, this man is a preacher in England somewhere or at the very least speaks with a British accent wherever he preaches at. I'm actually hoping to be able to work on some Calvinistic material in the summer to be able to post up on YouTube and GodTube respectively. I think it would benefit the body of Christ as well as inform those with questions about the Reformed Christian faith. Pray for me on that. God bless.


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